MTS Tape with Hematite (for stiff shoulders) MTSテープ ヘマタイト配合 肩こり用

MTS Tape with Hematite (for stiff shoulders) MTSテープ ヘマタイト配合 肩こり用

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MTS Tape is a body care tape that combines the benefits of acupuncture points and natural power stones. This time we are pleased to announce the arrival of a tape for stiff shoulders (made in Japan) containing the natural stone "Hematite". Hematite is a natural stone that is said to be highly effective in promoting blood circulation. By applying the tape to the area of concern, you can expect to stimulate the acupuncture points to promote blood circulation and muscle relaxation.

MTSテープとは、ツボと天然石(パワーストーン)の効能を掛け合わせたボディーケアテープです。 今回は天然石「ヘマタイト」を配合した肩こり用(日本製)が入荷しました。 ヘマタイトとは血行促進に効果が高いとされる天然石です。 このMTSテープ肩こり用を気になる部分に押し付けるように貼付することで、ツボへの刺激による血行促進及び筋肉弛緩が期待できます。

Body 1 sheet / 22mm x 16mm
2 sheets with 24 marks
Material: White polyolefin film / Acrylic adhesive


<Precautions for use>
Moisture or dirt on the application area may interfere with the adhesive.
Children should be used under the supervision of a parent or guardian.
The following people should not use this product
(1) People with allergies
(2) People who are prone to rashes from first aid adhesive plasters
Do not use on the following areas.
(1)Wounds, eczema, etc.
(2)Eye area and mucous membrane
If symptoms such as rash, redness, or itching occur as a result of using this product, discontinue use and consult a doctor or pharmacist.
This product is not a medical product. The effects may vary from person to person.<Storage Instructions>
Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
Keep out of the reach of children.

(1)アレルギー体質の方 (2)救急絆創膏のかぶれやすい方
(1)傷・湿疹等 (2)目の周囲や粘膜