Benefits of a water purifier
Removal of harmful substances (Such as) - chlorine, fluorine, chemicals, pesticides, rust, bad odours, sediment, heavy metals, bacteria, lead, bacteria, lead, chloroform and other trihalomethane, E-coli, parasites and other bacteria.
Provides better tasting and better smelling water, reduces the risk of cancer, retains minerals and provides a better pH balance, reduces digestive disorders and provides the healthiest alkaline mineral water available.
All products are made from materials free from BPA, BPS and other harmful substances.
有害物質の除去(例) ― 塩素、フッ素、化学物質、農薬、錆、悪臭、沈殿物、重金属、細菌、鉛、クロロホルム等のトリハメタロン、大腸菌、寄生虫等のバクテリア
Mini BMP Waterman 600ml Portable jug
ミニBMPウォーターマン600m ポータブル ジャグ
Removes up to 99% of fluoride, chlorine, heavy metals, and other tap water contaminants.
Here comes a quick and easy solution to contaminated drinking water on the go. The 600ml Mini BMP Waterman makes use of Waters Co’s premium filtration technology, transforming regular tap water into clean and healthy alkaline mineral water.
Say goodbye to rust, bad odors, sediments, heavy metals, chemicals and bacteria. In addition to our top performing portable water filter, all our products are made with BPA, BPS, toxin free, and non-leeching materials for your peace of mind.
The replaceable filter is good for up to three months, or for around 400 litres of water.