こちらもケミカルフリー、オールナチュラルな痒み止めスティカーです。 蚊や虫に刺された後、掻いてしまう前に貼ることで効果が出るので、すぐに貼るようにしてください。
The world's #1 all-natural, non-spray, non-chemical magical relief from itches and bites for you and your family.
This is a pack of pure magic. A scientifically engineered Grid-Relief Technology that uses a mechanical action to create a micro lift in the skin, helping drain the lymphatic system release biochemicals that cause the itch sensation.
free of chemicals
grid relief technology to relieve the itch caused my mosquito and other insect bites.
the grid shape helps mechanically adjust the skin to help our lymphatic system drain the saliva injected by insects that cause the itch response.
the bite does not need to line up with a hole in the grid. works only if area has not been scratched. 30-60 seconds